Berk's HighSchool Grad 2008 |
I have two sons. The oldest Boy #1 is 20 and Boy #2 is 17.Knock on wood I haven't had any major trouble with either one. But now comes the test of my parenting skills... definitely not my driving skills ( anyone who knows me knows I'm a nervous driver since the accident).That's another story and back to this one. Both boys are going for their License 's soon ( August 24 & 25 ) ... Boy#1 on his motorcycle ( class 6) and Boy #2 on the car ( class 5). Bring on the Prozac. When Boy #1 got his License I was so non -chalant about it. Boy how things change ! Maybe its because I turned 40 but I'm more nervous now then I ever was. Scares the BeJeezus outta me just thinking about Boy #1 riding around on his Bike..and Boy #2 driving a car.... I just wanna bury my head under the covers...Don't get me wrong they are both good drivers Thanks to their Dad . But I spend a lot of time worrying about things I have no control over right now. But with their new Independence comes more Freedom for me. With the kids all but out of the house I have more time to do things I enjoy like playing Scrabble ( I'm totally addicted) or get more computer time so I can write blogs and the ever dreaded housework.
They will do just fine. It sounds like you have done an awesome job raising and guiding them.
ReplyDeleteHey Sissy, you did a fine job raising them. I wonder how my son will turn out. I pray that my son does not turn after like his daddy and me. Bad temper. I am working on my son's temper. Love ya sissy, Lil' Sis