The morning always begins with a cup
of coffee TEA and a to-do list.
I'm such a fan of the to-do list - nothing quite like the satisfaction of
crossing things off! But when life gets so busy, like the last 2 weeks years in
particular, and I don’t get everything done I'd set out to do, I simply move it
to the next day. I figure it’s going to eventually get that juicy big cross
through it as DONE!
To do lists are very helpful when
you are becoming overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do.
Being able to prioritize them and know what needs to have immediate
attention or what you can leave until later will allow you to stay focused, more
organized and more reliable.
And stress …. let me just say that
when you prioritize more intelligently, you become more productive and are able
to complete all of your tasks on schedule AND you will be able to
experience less stress!
Who doesn’t need less stress? I'm all for that~
My list usually looks like this
Practical List |
But I'd much rather have a list that looked like this...
My crazy funny List |
What's on your to-do list today?
And how much of it do you think you
will get finished?
Anyone else have a crazy funny list they'd like to share?