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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Aw Crap !... I’m 42…

Aw Crap !... I’m 42…

Woke up in a pretty good mood, Snow storm winding down, to a bunch of happy birthday emails, text messages, and phone calls. I have to say, no matter how stressful the daily grind gets its is always redeeming to have a lot of friends and family reach out and wish you a happy birthday.

Yep, today is my Birthday and I’ll be singing, Happy Birthday to Me all day long! I suppose I’ll have to edit my About Me page and strikeout the 41 and make it 42, but seeing my birth date quickly approaching the big 5.0. Leaves me feeling a little old. Can’t I just refuse to grow up, or at least refuse to get old?

It’s funny to me that despite the chronological number of my age, I don’t feel any different than when I was in my 20’s. Okay, maybe I should say I don’t feel different than when I was in my 30’s to be completely honest with myself, but I’m doing it kicking and screaming the whole way.

Is it just me or does it seem that Birthdays seem to come a lot faster the older we get? Hmm I think even when the big 5.0 hits I’ll still just be me, attitude and all.

“Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me!”