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Monday, July 25, 2011

Five Weird Habits ...Count'em. Five. No more, no less.

1. I am beyond anal when it comes to the covers on my bed. They have to be smooth. I cannot stand bumpy sheets. I have been known to tell Bert to get out of bed and help me straighten the covers! Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

2. Whenever I eat Smarties (candies) I have to eat them in two's, either in pairs of the same colors or similar colors.
3. I don’t like Christmas. Deal with it.

4. I don't like my hands to be dirty or icky.. I'm not OCD about it, but I need clean hands. Especially under the nails. Evidently I have been this way since I was little. Mom said I would come in the house and wash my hands and then go back outside to play some more.

5. I talk to people in other cars when I drive. Mostly the morons. I thought Berks' first word was going to be "Dumbass". Because of the dumbasses, I don't like to drive. People are idiots. (No, not you. You are pretty much perfect!)

What about you, you perfect, weird person? What weird habit do you have?